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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Inaccessible Resources Revisited

In Post 48, I discussed the relevance of inaccessible resources as being excludable for Medicaid eligibility purposes. The theory is that a countable resource is only such that can be converted to monies to pay nursing home costs.

Examples presented were joint real estate if the co-owner refuses to liquidate, property in probate, real estate which may not comport with zoning requirements and unpaid funds such as future salary.

However, this is an area that allows for creativity. For example, as discussed in my Webinar with Carol Johnston on Ethical Dilemmas for Elder Law Practitioners, I raised the possibility that stock of a closely held corporation might be deemed an inaccessible resource if subject to a buy-sell agreement. Also, monies that are not currently payable such as royalties, constitute inaccessible resources as they are not immediately available. The definition of inaccessible resource is not exclusive, but provides examples. Therefore, creativity is required in this area.

Disclaimer: This article does not constitute legal advice and each person may have unique facts for which legal consultation may be necessary.
© March 2011, Post 138

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